Some days I really have no fucking idea what is wrong with me. Most of the time I know exactly what my wrongness is all about and shit and nothing about it really surprises me anymore. Yes, I sleep with stuffed animals and occasionally suck my thumb and am fascinated by serial murderers and psychology. I joke about drop-kicking infants but can’t even listen to someone talk about hurting animals in jest. I have no moral objections to murdering people before 10am. There is so much incongruity in my head that to write it all down would probably take me a week and an entire prescription of Ritalin. (Oh, there’s another one—I have a drug problem I’m completely blasé about but would never in a million years pick up a cigarette.) None of this can be explained away as anything even broadly in the realm of neurotypicality but in the end it’s my normal and at least I know how to deal with it. I understand it’s incredibly strange but nothing about it surprises me. If that makes sense.
It’s fucked up, but it’s my fucked-up-ness, dammit!
Every now and then, though, it’ll occur to me that I have something going on in my head that, upon further thought, turns out to be so completely out of left field and resoundingly bizarre. Like, even I can’t figure out why it ever occurred to me to think some of the shit I’ve thought. Even if there does actually turn out to be a reasonable reason to think about it, it’s never a reasonable conclusion I’ve drawn.
Long story short: sometimes it occurs to me that something has occurred to me that should never have occurred to occur to me in the first place and that I’ve managed to take it so far to its illogical extreme that it could reasonably be assumed to be a symptom of, like, schizophrenia or something. When even I manage to think it’s weird, you know something somewhere has gone deeply and irremediably wrong.
Which is how I ended up looking at unicorns. I don’t remember how we got on the subject but I ended up referring to virgins in a conversation with the boy as ‘unicorn bait’, which made me think of a specific facet of my fascination with unicorns.
I never grew out of unicorns—I still have a six-year-old girl’s loving fascination with unicorns. My VHS copy of ‘The Last Unicorn’ was played so much the tape wore out and broke. I have way too many kid’s books about unicorns since they tend not to make grownup books about fantasy creatures that aren’t sparkly vampires. I have plans for a unicorn tattoo that will take up my entire side from my breast to my thigh. And none of this embarrasses me in the slightest. I freaking love unicorns.
But you wouldn’t think that if I told you what my incredibly fucked-up old theory about unicorns and virgins is. Bear in mind, I’ve had this floating around in my head since I was about twelve or thirteen so it isn’t something I came up with on a drug-fuelled madness binge a few years back. This is something I came up with as a child. God knows why. Like I said, it’s even weird by my standards.
Since I used to fancy myself a fantasy writer, I tended to read all I could about mythical animals so I could put together mythologies of the fictional universes I was creating. (I never did end up writing much of it though—maybe that’s for the best.) So a love of unicorns combined with an excuse to read about them meant that unicorns got a lot of attention. One thing most people know about is that unicorns, in certain versions of the stories, can only be tamed by a virgin girl. Other variations say a unicorn can only be tamed by a ‘young girl’ or can only be tamed by a woman regardless of her age or the status of her hoo-hoo.
There are other variations still that have the unicorn not quite so discriminating and capable of being ‘tamed’ by a female monkey, or even a boy or a man in a dress.
So how discerning and intelligent your unicorn is depends on your specific mythology. But in the end it comes down to, a unicorn isn’t going to go quietly for something it doesn’t think is a woman. Now why would that be?
My response to this was: there are no female unicorns. No mares. Only stallions. They’re more docile for women and girls not based on their virginity but based purely on their sex—since there aren’t any girl unicorns for them to go for, the unicorns have to pretty much go for a willing female of any species. Since unicorns are all magical and shit (and also because at the time I came up with all of this I was twelve and my understanding of genetics was less than stellar), they’re capable of making a baby unicorn with any other species. Yes, even humans. Yes, it involves girl-on-unicorn sex. I’m not saying this is at all okay, I’m just saying that this is what I came up with.
Obviously it doesn’t end well for a girl knocked up with a unicorn—but, he who has no available alternative can’t be picky and it’s fairly easy to seduce a human girl because they’re so enamored with unicorns and thus the easiest targets. Still, it never ends well. There’s just no conceivable way for a human woman of any size or shape to successfully bring a unicorn pregnancy to term so she doesn’t survive the pregnancy. She dies giving birth or shortly before it, but even given the inevitable early death there are still good reasons a girl might sacrifice herself to bring a unicorn into the world. For one thing, unicorns are still magical and rare and massive status perks as well as bringing good fortune on anyone lucky enough to actually have one. So if, say, her family is extremely poor she might see it as a worthy sacrifice to make so that they can prosper. Princesses and noble girls facing an unwanted arranged marriage are known to take this route occasionally, as well—bizarrely, getting knocked up by a unicorn is one of the more honourable ways to illegally back out of a marriage contract. (Plus there are all kinds of tragic love stories of a princess or a duchess who loves a poor boy but is betrothed to a man better befitting her status whom she doesn’t love at all; she takes the unicorn route and wills the unicorn foal to the man she couldn’t marry, saving him from poverty and giving him the chance to find happiness.)
Mostly it’s poor girls, though, and the girls who do go through with it are held up for their noble sacrifice to their families rather than anyone dwelling on the fact that they had to commit a little bestiality in order to do it. Unicorns are unusually long-lived creatures (a hundred years is not an uncommon lifespan), so the unicorn foal stays in the family for a good long time and is more than enough to bring the poorest of peasants out of poverty. There is always the question of what you do with it once it reaches sexual maturity, but you can always breed it like a normal horse and turn it on a horse or an ox or something and see if you can get another unicorn out of it (more on that in a minute). One thing you definitely can’t do is castrate a unicorn stallion. Well, okay, you can, it just stops being a unicorn. You either have a unicorn stud, or a very pretty but very ordinary (and hornless—no balls, no horn) gelded horse.
It’s not like there are girls walking around all over the place bearing the illegitimate result of a unicorn-bonk. They’re unicorns, after all, and not exactly common. Plus it’s not like they only ever go for human girls. They’ll go for anything female that will hold still long enough. Deer, horses, donkeys, cows—they’re all much better unicorn-incubators than human girls and they tend not to die doing it. (So he can come back and get it on again!) And unicorns don’t have tremendous libidos—once every five to ten years is about all a standard unicorn stallion will mate.
Make your own ‘horny’ joke here.
I told you—this is so completely fucked up. Remember, I was only about twelve or thirteen when I came up with all this crap. It made sense that I was wondering about unicorns if I intended to write a fantasy universe, but nothing about that implies that the inevitable outcome is unicorn-on-girl rape and death.
There is no way in hell I can try and make this sound less fucked up than it is. It’s just not humanly possible.
It’s just all so completely weird. Even I think it’s beyond fucked up.
None of this is a part of my personal unicorn lore or anything, but the fact is that I still thought it up to begin with. At thirteen!
I mean seriously. My mind worked like that before drugs. I shudder to think what I’d come up with now but I don’t think I could outdo myself so I won’t be trying. I can’t think what would be worse—if it turned out I was unable even at my age to surpass what I came up with as a child, or that I might indeed successfully outdo myself.