Friday, February 3, 2012

call it a hunch

Let's say someone you love enjoys playing with fire. Now let's assume this someone has found a lighter that they aren't sure will still work and is busy flicking it while your back is turned. You hear the following series of sounds:

*flink, flink, flink...*



A normal person's response would be, "Oh shit, what happened? Are you okay? Be careful!"

That was not my response. My response is based on the fact that this person is unusually gifted when it comes to incurring injuries and rarely ever suffers for long. So instead I said, "I don't wanna turn around, what the eff did you just do to yourself?"

"Why are you just assuming this is my fault?"

"Because I know you. What fucking happened?"

"I burned all the hair off my right arm."

" idiot."

He plays with fire all the time, but nobody can do it as much as he does without something occasionally catching alight that he didn't intend to burn in the first place.

I can't stop him playing with lighters, but he can't stop me from calling him an idiot every time he manages to acquire a new burned-off bald patch.

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